
ICF considers the attainment of equal employment for all a major corporate objective and is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to all qualified persons.

作为一个机会均等的雇主, the Company does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, 信条, 宗教, 性, 祖先, 年龄, 身体和精神残疾, 怀孕, 分娩或相关的医疗状况, 婚姻状况, 国籍, 国家的起源, 遗传信息, 有保险的退伍军人或军人身份, 性取向, 性别认同, 参与受保护的活动, 或者其他受联邦政府保护的特征, 状态, 或者当地法律. All qualified applicants and employees must meet the minimum job requirements established by the Company, 有或没有合理的住宿.

Equal opportunity and consideration will be given to all qualified applicants and employees in human resources actions that include, 但不限于, 招聘和雇用, 培训选拔, 促销活动, 工资或其他补偿的比率, 好处, 纪律的行为, 转移, 裁员, 或终止妊娠.

Man年龄rs shall base employment decisions on the principles of EEO and with the intent to further ICF’s commitment to affirmative action and EEO. 任何受保员工在任何时候都不会, 或承保的就业申请人, who exercises his/her rights pursuant to ICF’s Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) be subject to discipline or have his/her opportunities for employment adversely affected.

ICF will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because such employee or applicant has inquired about, 讨论了, or disclosed the compensation of the employee or applicant or another employee or applicant. This provision shall not apply to instances in which an employee who has access to the compensation information of other employees or applicants as a part of such employee’s essential job functions discloses the compensation of such other employees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to such information, unless such disclosure is in response to a formal complaint or charge, 为了进一步调查, 进行, 听力, 或动作, 包括由ICF进行的调查, 或符合ICF提供信息的法律义务.

ICF believes that employee diversity is an excellent way to live the Company’s core values and achieve a competitive advant年龄 to accomplish its mission. ICF在实践和AAP中作出承诺, to dedicate resources and take specific actions that result in equal employment opportunities and outreach to minorities, 女性, 覆盖的退伍军人, 残疾人士. The Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer serves as ICF的平权行动官员 with responsibility to administer policies and programs to ensure the success of the affirmative action program.

管理者应采取措施确保所有合格的员工, 包括少数民族, 女性, 残疾人, 保护退伍军人, 被引入职场, 鼓励追求职业发展, 并被认为是晋升的机会.

ICF的AAP详细说明了公司的平权行动目标, 测量结果, 并遵守第11246号行政命令, 修订的. 受1973年康复法案保护的个人, 修订的, 谁想使用公司的残疾人士AAP, 是否被鼓励通知ICF招聘人员, 他们的经理, 或人力资源. 提交这些信息是自愿的, and the decision to refrain from providing it will not subject individuals to adverse treatment. Information submitted will be kept confidential in accordance with the provisions of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 修订的.

Employees and applicants shall not be subjected to any form of harassment, 包括性骚扰, 恐吓, 威胁, 强迫, or discrimination because they have filed or may file a complaint; assist or participate in an investigation, 合规审查, or 听力; or otherwise seek to obtain their legal rights related to any federal, 状态, 或者当地法律 regarding equal opportunity for qualified individuals with disabilities or qualified 覆盖的退伍军人.

ICF invites any employee or applicant for employment to review the Company’s written AAP during regular business hours. Individuals interested in a review of ICF’s AAP should contact Human Resources so arrangements can be made to accommodate the request. Questions about the AAP should be directed to ICF’s Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, ICF的平权行动官员.

Reasonable Accommodations are available for disabled veterans and applicants with disabilities in all phases of the application and employment process. 如需住宿,请发电子邮件 icfcareercenter@arvolt.net 我们很乐意提供帮助. All information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to the extent required to provide needed reasonable accommodations.



To view the 好处 ICF offers employees in the United States, visit this p年龄: 2024福利亮点

Benefits listed here are examples of 好处 currently offered by ICF but any benefit for which you may become eligible if employed by ICF will be governed by the terms and conditions of your employment and by the terms of each individual plan or program document. 

The official plan or program documents (as interpreted by the plan administrator in its sole discretion) and the laws that govern each plan or program will be followed in determining your rights and 好处 under each plan or program. ICF保留修改的权利, 修改, 暂停, 或终止计划或项目, 全部地或部分地, 在任何时间,恕不另行通知, 在法律允许的范围内. This means ICF has the right to change plan or program terms (including eligibility for 好处) or to discontinue any part or all of the 好处 described herein at any time.

保险透明度法案: UnitedHealthcare creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files on behalf of ICF International, 公司. To link to the Machine-Readable Files, please click on the URL provided: transparency-in-cover年龄.uhc.com.